Recruitment Guiding Principles
The athletics department has a uniform, written policy to guide all members of the department and prospective student-athletes in preventing substance misuse throughout the recruiting process. All substance misuse messages - verbal and written, formal and informal - and all contacts with prospective student-athletes are consistent with NCAA, institutional, and departmental policies. The athletics department acknowledges it bears the legal responsibility for the recruit’s substance use and provides guidelines and training on substance misuse prevention to student hosts.
Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Recruitment
CollegeAIM was created by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to help schools select evidence-based programs for substance misuse prevention. Interventions listed below are rated by higher, moderate or lower effectiveness. The NIAAA Task Force on College Drinking Report provides additional guidance on “promising strategies that need additional research.” As you develop your action plan, first consider the items below.
Moderate effectiveness:
Promising strategy that needs additional research:
- Informing new students and their parents about alcohol policies and penalties before arrival and during orientation periods.
Programs developed by past APPLE attendees:
Division I
Be a Good Host - Iowa State University
- This brochure includes Dos and Don'ts of hosting as well as appropriate suggestions for entertaining recruits on campus and is to student-athletes when they pick up their per diem in preparation for hosting a recruit.
- The guide provides an overview of Loyola University's student expectations and provides disucssion starters for parents of prospective student-athletes.
Student Host Form - North Carolina State University
- The student host form provides specific guidance on host responsibilities and list specific activities that are not permitted during a prospect visit.
Student Host Instructions - University of North Texas
- The document outlines permitted and non-permitted activities during a recruiting visit. The form requires signatures from the coach, host and recruit.
Division II
Creating a Student Host Policy - Mercyhurst University
- Mercyhurst presented on their policy development at APPLE.
- Student Host Instructions
Student Host Policy - Georgian Court University
- The policy provides guidelines for student hosts.
Division III
Student Host Form - Cabrini College
- The document outlines the host's responsibilities during a prospect visit.
Student-Athlete Handbook (p. 14-15) - Springfield College
- The policy outlines the student-host's responsibilities.
Athletic Recruiting Form - Salisbury University
- The form includes information and a customized contact card for the recruit, student host and coach.