The APPLE model is built on the belief that all members of an athletics department must be enfranchised and empowered to help create an environment that promotes healthy lifestyles, including lower-risk use of alcohol for those of legal age and avoidance of illegal and performance-enhancing drugs. The formal components--policies, regulations, education, accountability procedures and consequences of infractions -- are the necessary foundation on which to build prevention efforts. But these efforts can only be successful if the informal components -- recruitment messages, role models, and unwritten expectations -- reflect and extend the message that substance misuse prevention is a departmental priority and is everyone's concern.
There are seven distinct areas where athletics departments can address substance misuse. Discover how your athletics department can enhance alcohol, tobacco, and other drug misuse prevention efforts by examining the “slices” of the APPLE and assessing your department's strengths and weaknesses in substance misuse prevention.
Clicking on each "slice" of the model in the drop down menu will show you the guiding principles, exampes of evidence-based interventions specific to that topic and examples from previous APPLE attendees.